Thursday, 30 June 2016


To develop java application you need to download java exe from online and install in your machine.Download from the below location and install it in your machine.

Java contains JDK and JRE in it.

Expansion of the terms:

JVM - Java Virtual Machine

JDK - Java Development Kit

JRE - Java Runtime Environment

Content in Java:

1) JRE, JVM and JDK
2) Java Memory Management
3) Classes and Object
4) Constructor
5) Static Block 
6) Primitive data types
7) Object Oriented Programming Language
  • Polymorphism
  • Inheritance
  • Encapsulation
  • Abstraction
8) Interface
9) Abstract Class
10) Exception Handling
11) Collection Framework
  • Set
  • List
  • Queue
  • Map
12) Threads
13) Serilization
14) Wrapper Classes

Wednesday, 29 June 2016


Java was developed by James Gosling and his friends. They released it in 1995 as a Core Component of Sun Micro systems. The main reason to develop Java is to overcome the issues faced by the C language. C is platform dependent which means it should be executed in the same platform in which you develop.

JDK(Java Development Kit) 1.0 released in 23rd Jan 1996. It became a highly used language in the industry. In towards world Java is used  nearly 90% the application that exists it the world.

 Current Java version is 8.

Advantages of Java over C language:


1) It is platform independent.
2) It doesn't use pointers which is a tough concept used in C language.
3) It takes care of the Memory management.
4) It's a object oriented programming.
5) It is highly secure.