Wednesday 29 June 2016


Java was developed by James Gosling and his friends. They released it in 1995 as a Core Component of Sun Micro systems. The main reason to develop Java is to overcome the issues faced by the C language. C is platform dependent which means it should be executed in the same platform in which you develop.

JDK(Java Development Kit) 1.0 released in 23rd Jan 1996. It became a highly used language in the industry. In towards world Java is used  nearly 90% the application that exists it the world.

 Current Java version is 8.

Advantages of Java over C language:


1) It is platform independent.
2) It doesn't use pointers which is a tough concept used in C language.
3) It takes care of the Memory management.
4) It's a object oriented programming.
5) It is highly secure.

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